We were outside last night and we were telling her that birds fly south for the winter where its warm. Josie said, "Thats a great idea".
Cy and Cole came over to play and Josie looked at Cy and said "Cy, how did you get to be so handsome"?
Josie loves to pretend that she is a Mom to her baby dolls. She was feeding her baby the other day and said "Being a Mom sure makes me tired." You said it sister!
A couple of weeks ago, Josie had overhead Jer tell me not to pull weeds or do yard work in my delicate condition. We were talking about the baby coming last night and I said, "Honey, the baby will be here in 2 weeks", to which Josie said "Oh good, then you can pull weeds"!!
"Mom, you're my best buddy". This one has to be my favorite!!
She gets to help Dr. Terry, our OB/GYN, push the buttons on the Sonogram machine at each of our appointments. Yesterday, when they were finished, she told him "We better wash our hands". So they washed their hands together.
"I smell Puma". We think this is from Diego, but we're not sure.
After telling her what we were going to do for the day, she said "That sounds like a plan!"
I told her this morning that I would go and get her some juice in "Just a Sec". She said, "Mom, its been a Sec".
Mom, lets go watch Ellen dance!
While putting her down for a nap, she looked up at me and said "Mom, you're a good lady".
She told us that she had to poop and then followed that up by saying "its going to be disgusting".
I Looooove Shoes!!
She picked out her own shoes the other day that did not match her outfit. She then told everyone all day that her shoes were "Tacky".
After putting her down for bed one night last week, she looked up at Jer and said "Daddy, you did a good job".
At Christmas time when we asked Josie who was in Mommy's belly, she replied "Baby Jesus"!!